Entertaining and informative blogs on fitness and health .... and running a long way.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Phil Jeremy Personal Training: DOES MY BUM LOOK BIG IN THIS?. ...
Phil Jeremy Personal Training: DOES MY BUM LOOK BIG IN THIS?. ...: If you have to ask the question then you aleady know the answer or you should do. I can hear the comments now;- fatist, sexist, misog...
Phil Jeremy Personal Training: DOES MY BUM LOOK BIG IN THIS?. ...
Phil Jeremy Personal Training: DOES MY BUM LOOK BIG IN THIS?. ...: If you have to ask the question then you aleady know the answer or you should do. I can hear the comments now;- fatist, sexist, misog...
If you have to ask the question then you aleady know the answer or you should do. I can hear the comments now;- fatist, sexist, misogynist, judgemental,uncaring, unkind, unsympathetic, bully, inconsiderate, blah,blah,blah.
Just ponder that for a moment, that means for people who are ill or infirm through no fault of their own will be denied treatment because 10% of the population ate too many pizzas.

The problem now is that obesity is being normalised and because of all the # me too stuff you are not allowed to criticise or say anything. I look at the fat women on Facebook or Instagram and all the comments are 'You look gorgeous'... 'you are so beautifiul'...'Fabulous'....'Wow you look amazing'..etc etc and always these comments are from women not men.
Beware of women complimenting you on how great you look when you clearly look like a giant cream cake.🍰
Irina and daughters Alex and Lara |
The food companies behaviour is nothing short of criminal as they seek to hide or lie about all the bad stuff in their products and yet some things are obvious when it comes to health eating. It is really difficult to make foods such as spinach, blueberries, salmon or broccoli unhealthy whereas its very easy to make low fat yogurt sound healthy when it isn't. Then again if you eat a donut what exactly do you think you are eating and whose fault is that? Nick Mitchell a well known trainer recently said that losing weight and being fit is nothing to do with discipline, it is to do with self respect and I agree. I train and eat a well balanced diet because I respect myself and I care about how I treat my body which carries me through life in the best way possible. I am grateful and do not take it for granted.
The obesity epidemic has exploded over the past 15 years and this normalisation is just plain crazy. I honestly dont know where it will end but it won't be pretty. I have spent the summer training and advising on diet and with great success but the people I see have decided to do something about their health issues and I am there to help, advise and encourage. It's very rewarding because at least I'm doing something, however small, to stem this tide of poor health. Of course some clients have particular injuries or serious health issues but even they have improved immeasurably over the past few months. I have also trained clients who are already fit and healthy but again they don't take it for granted, they are consistent in their lifestyle choices, they train a minimum of 3 times a week, eat well balanced nutritional food, drink lots of water, sleep 6/8 hours and so on.
Sisters, Saskia and Patricia |
As I have said a hundred times it's not rocket science, if people would just start to introduce a few healthy choices then they would see a difference and this will then motivate them to go further as they begin to look and feel better about themselves.
No doubt I will be accused again of being unkind when I criticise but I believe that pussy footing around the issue is madness. Last week PHE published a report that 40% of school leavers will be obese by 2025 and 20% of 4-5 year olds are already obese. Does this not alarm the parents? They are commiting their children to a lifetime of poor health, don't they care? I just dont get it. Surely parents should be setting the example by feeding their children a healthy diet and demonstrating to them the benefits of exercise from an early age, not slobbing about on the sofa drinking coke and munching a burger and fries.
Jane,Gerry and daughters |
Please stay healthy, you owe it to yourself and to your children.... don't just buy a bigger pair of pants.
Tuesday, June 4, 2019
Filmed this video and it has now been viewed over 8000 times on FB and Instagram!
It was just for fun, hope you like it, please share if you do....
FB page - Phil Jeremy Personal Training.
Instagram - #fitphiltraining
Thursday, May 2, 2019
Firstly I must point out that today's blog has nothing to do with the vestal virgins of ancient Rome, fascinating though that maybe, no, today I am concerned about how so many people stick to their tried and tested routines be it yoga, tennis, running, swimming, cycling or gym workouts and never change what they do. They do the same thing nearly every time and though the consistency of any fitness routine is paramount it is the variety of effort within the routine that will give you the most benefits. I have talked before of 'bang for your buck' or more eloquently, 'minimum effective dose' exercise routines, yet for many people who are trying to get fit or lose weight they sadly assume that what they do a few times a week will be enough.... and then are surprised to learn that it doesn't work. They will then go on to make sweeping assumptions that the reason is due to hormonal imbalances or the wrong kind of genes... or it's not in their DNA make up.... whatever that means.

If you make any positive change to your routine be it in
what you eat or in how much or in the type or intensity of your exercise routine then you will see a difference. You have to step outside your comfort zone, you have to extend your horizons...
A man's reach must always extend beyond his grasp.
I remember about 25 years ago running virtually the same route month after month, I was fit but I never lost weight or got quicker or increased my muscle mass. I assumed, as many people did at the time, that this was the way to train, much like years ago the standard nutrition for football players and marathon runners was pasta. I too went along with this believing that by stuffing my face with pasta the night before a big run would do the trick, I'am afraid its not quite that simple.
Often I see overweight people jogging along the road and its great that they are trying to do
something about their health however after a few months their weight loss will decrease and sadly they may become demotivated and give up. This is a normal pattern and is often associated with poor diet, which is always the real culprit of their obesity. The point though is that they have been brainwashed into believing that jogging will cure their obesity. It won't and never does.
Remember exercise will keep you fit and healthy but it is only a small part of the weight/fat loss equation. It is your diet that is the key....always.
It all depends on your goal. If you wish to run a marathon then its common sense to train for it by running frequently. If you want lose weight or cut fat then you must train and eat accordingly. Likewise if your goal is to improve your figure or acquire a lean muscular physique then eating and exercising has to be even more targeted and specific.There are many varied factors and all will require a different training and nutrition protocol. One size does not fit all.
Very often people are slightly motivated to do one of the above or would like to lose weight but I find that often they are not prepared to make the changes necessary. The older I get the more I notice that very few people are prepared to make the sacrifices that are needed. They just can't be bothered. Its far easier to sit in front of the TV and have a glass of wine and a bag of crisps! These days I refuse to train anyone who has not already made a decision to step up and sort themselves out. Its no point me pushing and motivating them if they do not have the will to carry it through.
The reason is simple because if it is not a 'must' for them and its just a vague hope or a nice idea then they will not succeed and no amount of motivation from me will alter this. I would not waste money on a personal trainer if you have not made a decision to follow through with your health goal until you succeed.

Any change you wish to make in your health and fitness will involve stepping outside your daily routine and current comfort zone. I believe in making dynamic positive changes, some people such as Precision Nutrition (PN) preach small steps and though I understand this method I rarely use it. They are a great organisation and have excellent results and although I agree with many of many of their nutritional guidelines I tend to go for big lifestyle changes and total immersion in your new health goal. You see much faster results and psychologically that motivates them and me into pursuing the person they want to become.You could be someone new to training or an experienced athlete, either way you have to shake outthose bad habits, we all have them. I prefer to recognise them and deal with it on a multilevel approach. Specific nutrition and targeted training methods are what a Personal Trainer should be giving you otherwise its just maintenance. Now there is nothing wrong with maintenance if you are already at a high level of fitness and health but to be truthful we all can improve and do better.
Consistency is the first step but after that I prefer to break new ground and
move into more virgin territory. Its remarkable what changes the body and mind will make when you test yourself in a new area. People love feeling healthy when before they were not. Personally I like to change things all the time. One day I'll do a 10 k trail run and another day a hard 50 minute strength session. The variety is hugely stimulating.
For example:-
The other week I did 20 minute high intensity session of 500 varied body weight reps and the next day an easy jog along the river. Then I did nothing for 2 days and then my son, Alexander, suggested a routine of just press ups and flys. Very simple but tough. We did 9 press ups rested for 20 seconds then 1, then 8, then 2, then 7, then 3, then 6 etc and continued all the way down to zero and then reversed back up to 10.
Basically 200 press ups followed by 5 sets of 10 flys. We were just hitting the chest and back..... I had DOMS for about 5 days but I still did a 5k tempo run on the 7th day.
This might seem excessive but the total time training for that week was around 2.5 hours which is less than 2% of the hours in a week, hardly excessive but as you can see it's extremely varied and the body is constantly shocked into having to make adaptations. This will keep you fit lean and well conditioned which is my personal goal however this is still only a small part of the equation because it is my diet that will have the greatest effect. If I go eat a pizza after each session or have half a bottle of wine then I might as well not bother. You need to vary your nutrition with a variety of healthy foods, this takes a little planning so you must shop with the next 3 days in mind as you want fresh vegetables/salad with every meal with good sources of protein and some nuts, seeds and slow release carbs. If you don't eat this way then your health goal is going to be far more difficult to achieve and take an awful lot longer.
If you wake up every day with the same body composition and fitness despite doing 'regular exercise' its because you are not doing what I have just outlined, it has nothing to do with your genes or whether you are big boned ..... or even if you're descended from a line of hippo's!
Its time me to step up and break out of your ineffective routine and get serious.
Speaking of virgin territory and comfort zones, a few weeks ago I took off into the Andalusian hills in southern Spain, it was a tough rocky trail in the middle of nowhere and after running into a family of wild boar, a bit nerve racking but a few a few hours later I felt tired but exhilarated.
If you can become passionate about health and fitness then the rewards are never ending.

what you eat or in how much or in the type or intensity of your exercise routine then you will see a difference. You have to step outside your comfort zone, you have to extend your horizons...
A man's reach must always extend beyond his grasp.
I remember about 25 years ago running virtually the same route month after month, I was fit but I never lost weight or got quicker or increased my muscle mass. I assumed, as many people did at the time, that this was the way to train, much like years ago the standard nutrition for football players and marathon runners was pasta. I too went along with this believing that by stuffing my face with pasta the night before a big run would do the trick, I'am afraid its not quite that simple.
Often I see overweight people jogging along the road and its great that they are trying to do
something about their health however after a few months their weight loss will decrease and sadly they may become demotivated and give up. This is a normal pattern and is often associated with poor diet, which is always the real culprit of their obesity. The point though is that they have been brainwashed into believing that jogging will cure their obesity. It won't and never does.
Remember exercise will keep you fit and healthy but it is only a small part of the weight/fat loss equation. It is your diet that is the key....always.

Very often people are slightly motivated to do one of the above or would like to lose weight but I find that often they are not prepared to make the changes necessary. The older I get the more I notice that very few people are prepared to make the sacrifices that are needed. They just can't be bothered. Its far easier to sit in front of the TV and have a glass of wine and a bag of crisps! These days I refuse to train anyone who has not already made a decision to step up and sort themselves out. Its no point me pushing and motivating them if they do not have the will to carry it through.
The reason is simple because if it is not a 'must' for them and its just a vague hope or a nice idea then they will not succeed and no amount of motivation from me will alter this. I would not waste money on a personal trainer if you have not made a decision to follow through with your health goal until you succeed.

Any change you wish to make in your health and fitness will involve stepping outside your daily routine and current comfort zone. I believe in making dynamic positive changes, some people such as Precision Nutrition (PN) preach small steps and though I understand this method I rarely use it. They are a great organisation and have excellent results and although I agree with many of many of their nutritional guidelines I tend to go for big lifestyle changes and total immersion in your new health goal. You see much faster results and psychologically that motivates them and me into pursuing the person they want to become.You could be someone new to training or an experienced athlete, either way you have to shake outthose bad habits, we all have them. I prefer to recognise them and deal with it on a multilevel approach. Specific nutrition and targeted training methods are what a Personal Trainer should be giving you otherwise its just maintenance. Now there is nothing wrong with maintenance if you are already at a high level of fitness and health but to be truthful we all can improve and do better.
move into more virgin territory. Its remarkable what changes the body and mind will make when you test yourself in a new area. People love feeling healthy when before they were not. Personally I like to change things all the time. One day I'll do a 10 k trail run and another day a hard 50 minute strength session. The variety is hugely stimulating.
For example:-
The other week I did 20 minute high intensity session of 500 varied body weight reps and the next day an easy jog along the river. Then I did nothing for 2 days and then my son, Alexander, suggested a routine of just press ups and flys. Very simple but tough. We did 9 press ups rested for 20 seconds then 1, then 8, then 2, then 7, then 3, then 6 etc and continued all the way down to zero and then reversed back up to 10.
Basically 200 press ups followed by 5 sets of 10 flys. We were just hitting the chest and back..... I had DOMS for about 5 days but I still did a 5k tempo run on the 7th day.
This might seem excessive but the total time training for that week was around 2.5 hours which is less than 2% of the hours in a week, hardly excessive but as you can see it's extremely varied and the body is constantly shocked into having to make adaptations. This will keep you fit lean and well conditioned which is my personal goal however this is still only a small part of the equation because it is my diet that will have the greatest effect. If I go eat a pizza after each session or have half a bottle of wine then I might as well not bother. You need to vary your nutrition with a variety of healthy foods, this takes a little planning so you must shop with the next 3 days in mind as you want fresh vegetables/salad with every meal with good sources of protein and some nuts, seeds and slow release carbs. If you don't eat this way then your health goal is going to be far more difficult to achieve and take an awful lot longer.
Virgin territory in Andalucia. |
Its time me to step up and break out of your ineffective routine and get serious.
Speaking of virgin territory and comfort zones, a few weeks ago I took off into the Andalusian hills in southern Spain, it was a tough rocky trail in the middle of nowhere and after running into a family of wild boar, a bit nerve racking but a few a few hours later I felt tired but exhilarated.
If you can become passionate about health and fitness then the rewards are never ending.
Phil Jeremy Personal Training: VIRGIN TERRITORY.....TIME TO STEP OUTSIDE YOUR COM...: Firstly I must point out that today's blog has nothing to do with the vestal virgins of ancient Rome, fascinating though that maybe, no...
Thursday, January 31, 2019
Phil Jeremy Personal Training: SPRING CLEAN ..... THE TOP 5 STEPS TO A NEW BODY.
Phil Jeremy Personal Training: SPRING CLEAN ..... THE TOP 5 STEPS TO A NEW BODY.: Now I'm not about to discuss how busy I am cleaning windows, vacuuming the carpets and polishing my kettlebells ! Though having just ...
Tuesday, January 29, 2019
Phil Jeremy Personal Training: FAT OR FIT ... IT'S YOUR CHOICE.
Phil Jeremy Personal Training: FAT OR FIT ... IT'S YOUR CHOICE.: Yes you do have a choice and it's your decision. A fellow health professional was telling me a story the other day of a 43 year old wom...
Friday, January 25, 2019
Yes you do have a choice and it's your decision. A fellow health professional was telling me a story the other day of a 43 year old woman whose Doctor had recommended a very expensive diet expert who had given her a specialized nutrition plan, all very complicated and involved, so much so that she didn't even look at it.
When asked by my friend what her normal day was, it consisted of fruit, yogurt, cereal/ bread/croissant or waffle and juice for breakfast. She would go out to a café for soup and some salad at lunchtime plus 1 small glass of wine, a mid afternoon snack, then a late evening dinner of protein /veg with potatoes/rice/pasta ... and maybe 2 or 3 glasses of wine plus a naughty desert a few times a week. I'm sure she was probably having a few more 'naughty things' that she didn't tell us about as well. She did no exercise save for the occasional 15 minute walk now and again. She was 38% Body Fat but felt she was about 25% and didn't consider herself to be much overweight and in fact she thought she ate quite well. (Everybody says that). The idea that you can be fat and healthy is a clinically proven myth, so get over it.
This is a classic case, so let's break it down.
Firstly this woman is clinically obese and is ripe for some serious health issues in the years to come.
Secondly for someone this fat her diet is very poor, actually to be honest its atrocious.
You may think her breakfast is okay but as ever the devil is in the detail. She is consuming mostly sugar and bad fats. All fruit is sugar, her yogurt was the usual fruit flavoured sugar loaded supposedly healthy type.
It should have been full fat Greek yogurt and half a small pot at that with perhaps few blueberries, 1/3 banana and then protein powder. No croissants bread waffles or juice. (Its all sugar, sugar, sugar!)
And no special high fibre Alpen/granola/ healthy cereal either, its all crap.
What she actually needs to do is switch to protein and vegetables and no juice and a very small amount of fruit, if any. She should always have a Green drink, fish oil, probiotics and vitamins and a small handful of nuts and seeds. It amazes me why hardly anyone has green drinks for breakfast, I just can't fathom it. All fit, healthy and lean people consume some form of Green drink with ingredients such as wheatgrass/ barley grass/ spirulina/ chlorophyll/ seaweed/ kelp/ enzymes/ bacterial cultures/ spinach/ ginger/ turmeric. You can buy it or make your own. I do both, it takes seconds and you are flooding your body with healthy nutrients the moment you wake up. The difference between this and a waffle/croissant is so obvious it beggars belief.

IT'S YOUR CHOICE FOR BREAKFAST ... but remember there are consequences.
If you want to try intermittent fasting and skip breakfast there can be benefits but you need to know how to do this the right way but at this stage she needs to keep it simple. If you consume protein/vegetables you will feel fuller and avoid the mid morning crash from all that sugar you had for breakfast. I have found that for most people changing there current breakfast routine is the fastest way to healthy fat loss.
Get rid of the soup for lunch and instead have chicken/fish/meat with a lot, and I mean a lot, of salad or vegetables, no sauces. I am always amazed how many restaurants provide you with so little salad or vegetables. I was in a fairly decent café the other day and the waiter said they had no vegetables when I asked for them, as in NONE. Utterly bizarre and in the UK and the USA they smother the salad with some type of crap dressing. I always have to ask to have it separate. In other words the simple healthy ways of preparing and presenting food are being avoided, I just don't get it.
The amount of people who have soup for lunch and are overweight is incredible, you would have thought by now that they had figured out that there must be a problem.
Let me be clear, there are ways of preparing nutritious soup properly but most people don't know how to do it and besides it's much better to consume healthy protein and crunchy fibrous vegetables.
As for one glass of wine please don't get me started. By the time she tots up that plus the evening glass or 2 or 3 she's probably consuming at least 25 glasses of wine a week! That's ALOT of sugar which is going to turn to fat. She needs to start drinking 2+ litres of water a day.
Stop drinking alcohol for a month and see how you feel. I promise you will notice a difference.
The first issue is she eats it late but at least she had protein for dinner but then spoilt it with a ton of carbs. Before someone jumps in here, I know carbs are not all bad but at 40% body fat they are! She has to cut her body fat first and then she can reintroduce some 'good' carbs (e.g. Quinoa, Sweet potatoes, Brown rice, Oats), perhaps in a few weeks time.
I suspect the naughty desert was more than once a week and was probably not just a little naughty but positively pornographic.
I ran the Grand Canyon from rim to rim for over 8 hours and consumed very few carbs before, during or after the run, I didn't need them because I have enough stored fat for energy; and I was 9% Body fat ... and so if I don't need them to do a run like that then why does she need them sitting around doing nothing? I eat quality carbs about 3-4 times per week for dinner or lunch and that's it.
If you eat carbs for breakfast, lunch and dinner then you are on massive overload, the fact you see everyone else doing it doesn't make it right, they are probably enormous too.
She needs to start exercising for a minimum of 3/4 hours a week, say 30 mins per day, starting with walking and then moving on to a planned exercise regime that will metabolically disturb her body into losing fat, 20 minutes of high intensity a day 2/3 times per week plus a strength and conditioning routine twice a week would be a sensible goal to aim for.
If she did this then within a week she would start losing fat and in a healthy nutritionally balanced way ... and she can eat more than she is doing now so will not feel hungry at all because she will be eating the right food.
If she ate like this and had decent training advice she'd look like a million dollars in a few months. How do I know? because I've done this with client after client and it always works, every time.
It really isn't complicated, you don't need a specialist dietician you just need to change the basics of your routine to the correct way to eat and exercise. I've also found that when someone starts to live a healthier lifestyle and they see the positive results then they want to keep it going and improve on it even more, so it has a processional positive effect. There mood and sense of well being is enhanced, they have more energy and want this new lifestyle to be permanent.
Remember every person I see thinks that their health problems are unique and therefore more complicated but I'm afraid in most cases that's a load of garbage plain and simple.
Get off your 'special diet', throw away all your useless pills and overprescribed medicines and get your body back into a state of harmonious natural balance by eating properly and exercising effectively.
Its your choice, just decide and do it.
If you have any questions or seek further advice then please email me at phil@modelplan.co.uk
When asked by my friend what her normal day was, it consisted of fruit, yogurt, cereal/ bread/croissant or waffle and juice for breakfast. She would go out to a café for soup and some salad at lunchtime plus 1 small glass of wine, a mid afternoon snack, then a late evening dinner of protein /veg with potatoes/rice/pasta ... and maybe 2 or 3 glasses of wine plus a naughty desert a few times a week. I'm sure she was probably having a few more 'naughty things' that she didn't tell us about as well. She did no exercise save for the occasional 15 minute walk now and again. She was 38% Body Fat but felt she was about 25% and didn't consider herself to be much overweight and in fact she thought she ate quite well. (Everybody says that). The idea that you can be fat and healthy is a clinically proven myth, so get over it.
This is a classic case, so let's break it down.
Firstly this woman is clinically obese and is ripe for some serious health issues in the years to come.
Secondly for someone this fat her diet is very poor, actually to be honest its atrocious.
You may think her breakfast is okay but as ever the devil is in the detail. She is consuming mostly sugar and bad fats. All fruit is sugar, her yogurt was the usual fruit flavoured sugar loaded supposedly healthy type.
It should have been full fat Greek yogurt and half a small pot at that with perhaps few blueberries, 1/3 banana and then protein powder. No croissants bread waffles or juice. (Its all sugar, sugar, sugar!)
And no special high fibre Alpen/granola/ healthy cereal either, its all crap.
What she actually needs to do is switch to protein and vegetables and no juice and a very small amount of fruit, if any. She should always have a Green drink, fish oil, probiotics and vitamins and a small handful of nuts and seeds. It amazes me why hardly anyone has green drinks for breakfast, I just can't fathom it. All fit, healthy and lean people consume some form of Green drink with ingredients such as wheatgrass/ barley grass/ spirulina/ chlorophyll/ seaweed/ kelp/ enzymes/ bacterial cultures/ spinach/ ginger/ turmeric. You can buy it or make your own. I do both, it takes seconds and you are flooding your body with healthy nutrients the moment you wake up. The difference between this and a waffle/croissant is so obvious it beggars belief.

IT'S YOUR CHOICE FOR BREAKFAST ... but remember there are consequences.
If you want to try intermittent fasting and skip breakfast there can be benefits but you need to know how to do this the right way but at this stage she needs to keep it simple. If you consume protein/vegetables you will feel fuller and avoid the mid morning crash from all that sugar you had for breakfast. I have found that for most people changing there current breakfast routine is the fastest way to healthy fat loss.
Get rid of the soup for lunch and instead have chicken/fish/meat with a lot, and I mean a lot, of salad or vegetables, no sauces. I am always amazed how many restaurants provide you with so little salad or vegetables. I was in a fairly decent café the other day and the waiter said they had no vegetables when I asked for them, as in NONE. Utterly bizarre and in the UK and the USA they smother the salad with some type of crap dressing. I always have to ask to have it separate. In other words the simple healthy ways of preparing and presenting food are being avoided, I just don't get it.
The amount of people who have soup for lunch and are overweight is incredible, you would have thought by now that they had figured out that there must be a problem.
Let me be clear, there are ways of preparing nutritious soup properly but most people don't know how to do it and besides it's much better to consume healthy protein and crunchy fibrous vegetables.
As for one glass of wine please don't get me started. By the time she tots up that plus the evening glass or 2 or 3 she's probably consuming at least 25 glasses of wine a week! That's ALOT of sugar which is going to turn to fat. She needs to start drinking 2+ litres of water a day.
Stop drinking alcohol for a month and see how you feel. I promise you will notice a difference.
The first issue is she eats it late but at least she had protein for dinner but then spoilt it with a ton of carbs. Before someone jumps in here, I know carbs are not all bad but at 40% body fat they are! She has to cut her body fat first and then she can reintroduce some 'good' carbs (e.g. Quinoa, Sweet potatoes, Brown rice, Oats), perhaps in a few weeks time.
I suspect the naughty desert was more than once a week and was probably not just a little naughty but positively pornographic.
If you eat carbs for breakfast, lunch and dinner then you are on massive overload, the fact you see everyone else doing it doesn't make it right, they are probably enormous too.
She needs to start exercising for a minimum of 3/4 hours a week, say 30 mins per day, starting with walking and then moving on to a planned exercise regime that will metabolically disturb her body into losing fat, 20 minutes of high intensity a day 2/3 times per week plus a strength and conditioning routine twice a week would be a sensible goal to aim for.
If she did this then within a week she would start losing fat and in a healthy nutritionally balanced way ... and she can eat more than she is doing now so will not feel hungry at all because she will be eating the right food.
If she ate like this and had decent training advice she'd look like a million dollars in a few months. How do I know? because I've done this with client after client and it always works, every time.
It really isn't complicated, you don't need a specialist dietician you just need to change the basics of your routine to the correct way to eat and exercise. I've also found that when someone starts to live a healthier lifestyle and they see the positive results then they want to keep it going and improve on it even more, so it has a processional positive effect. There mood and sense of well being is enhanced, they have more energy and want this new lifestyle to be permanent.
Remember every person I see thinks that their health problems are unique and therefore more complicated but I'm afraid in most cases that's a load of garbage plain and simple.
Get off your 'special diet', throw away all your useless pills and overprescribed medicines and get your body back into a state of harmonious natural balance by eating properly and exercising effectively.
Its your choice, just decide and do it.
If you have any questions or seek further advice then please email me at phil@modelplan.co.uk
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