Monday, December 2, 2019

Phil Jeremy Personal Training: DOES MY BUM LOOK BIG IN THIS?. ...

Phil Jeremy Personal Training: DOES MY BUM LOOK BIG IN THIS?. ...:      If you have to ask the question then you aleady know the answer or you should do. I can hear the comments now;- fatist, sexist, misog...

Phil Jeremy Personal Training: DOES MY BUM LOOK BIG IN THIS?. ...

Phil Jeremy Personal Training: DOES MY BUM LOOK BIG IN THIS?. ...:      If you have to ask the question then you aleady know the answer or you should do. I can hear the comments now;- fatist, sexist, misog...


     If you have to ask the question then you aleady know the answer or you should do. I can hear the comments now;- fatist, sexist, misogynist, judgemental,uncaring, unkind, unsympathetic, bully, inconsiderate, blah,blah,blah.
 When are the army of obese/overweight people finally going to wake up and smell the reality. A friend of mine called me from the UK because he had just been for lunch in a busy restaurant and virtually everyone was fat, he normally doesn't notice these things but was clearly shocked. He was left wondering how we got into this state of affairs. The current published statistics which are readily available paint an extremely worrying situation. I have referenced two reports below and the statistics are alarming and the cost to the health authorities is outrageous. 10% of the budget of the NHS in the UK is spent on treating obesity and the projections moving forward are far worse.
 Just ponder that for a moment, that means for people who are ill or infirm through no fault of their own will be denied treatment because 10% of the population ate too many pizzas.
  What clearly isn't helping is the normalising of obesity. I have been shown pictures of really fat girls on Instagram with millions of followers banging on about how they love their bodies. Good luck to you honey because a whole truckload of health problems are heading your way. Let me state for the umpteenth time that to be fat and healthy is a myth, it is simply not true so stop kidding yourself. You will be a burden to your family and the state in years to come and I suspect they will already have all sorts of health issues that they are choosing to ignore. I've heard it all, 'Its my special hormones', 'I can't eat this or that'.., 'I'm big boned'. Some of these people who are big boned are so huge they must have had dinosaurs for ancestors.
  The problem now is that obesity is being normalised and because of  all the # me too stuff you are not allowed to criticise or say anything. I look at the fat women on Facebook or Instagram and all the comments are 'You look gorgeous'... 'you are so beautifiul'...'Fabulous'....'Wow you look amazing'..etc etc and always these comments are from women not men.
  Beware of women complimenting you on how great you look when you clearly look like a giant cream cake.🍰
Irina and daughters Alex and Lara
  'Does my bum look big in this? Is this actually a serious question? I have never met a slim, healthy, fit women with a good figure ask me if her bum looks big. A friend of mine who has worked in the retail industry all her life told me that the thing she most looked forward to in retirement was not hearing every day some woman saying 'does my bum look big in this?' Instead of blaming the dress how about sorting out your figure. And what of the men? At least when a guy with a belly hanging down to his knees posts on Facebook his friends don't say he looks great, they usually crack a joke about it... however they dont say; 'time to look in the mirror pal' because now we all have to be kind,nice and touchy feely, yet meanwhile the health problems mount up and nobody says anything.
   The food companies behaviour is nothing short of criminal as they seek to hide or lie about all the bad stuff in their products and yet some things are obvious when it comes to health eating. It is really difficult to make foods such as spinach, blueberries, salmon or broccoli unhealthy whereas its very easy to make low fat yogurt sound healthy when it isn't.  Then again if you eat a donut what exactly do you think you are eating and whose fault is that? Nick Mitchell a well known trainer recently said that losing weight and being fit is nothing to do with discipline, it is to do with self respect and I agree. I train and eat a well balanced diet because I respect myself and I care about how I treat my body which carries me through life in the best way possible. I am grateful and do not take it for granted.
The obesity epidemic has exploded over the past 15 years and this normalisation is just plain crazy. I honestly dont know where it will end but it won't be pretty. I have spent the summer training and advising on diet and with great success but the people I see have decided to do something about their health issues and I am there to help, advise and encourage. It's very rewarding because at least I'm doing something, however small, to stem this tide of poor health. Of course some clients have particular injuries or serious health issues but even they have improved immeasurably over the past few months. I have also trained clients who are already fit and healthy but again they don't take it for granted, they are consistent in their lifestyle choices, they train a minimum of 3 times a week, eat well balanced nutritional food, drink lots of water, sleep 6/8 hours and so on.
Sisters, Saskia and Patricia

As I have said a hundred times it's not rocket science, if people would just start to introduce a few healthy choices then they would see a difference and this will then motivate them to go further as they begin to look and feel better about themselves.
 No doubt I will be accused again of being unkind when I criticise but I believe that pussy footing around the issue is madness. Last week PHE published a report that 40% of school leavers will be obese by 2025 and 20% of 4-5 year olds are already obese.  Does this not alarm the parents? They are commiting their children to a lifetime of poor health, don't they care? I just dont get it. Surely parents should be setting the example by feeding their children a healthy diet and demonstrating to them the benefits of exercise from an early age, not slobbing about on the sofa drinking coke and munching a burger and fries.
Jane,Gerry and daughters
   I'm afraid today has been a rant but that's because I'm angry.  A succesful gym owner told me last week that we are in the business of primary health care. I never thought about it that way before but it's true as the next step is doctors, medicines and hospital. One should be trying to prevent that by taking charge of your own health today and not leaving it up to the medical proffession tomorrow.
 Please stay healthy, you owe it to yourself and to your children.... don't just buy a bigger pair of pants.
