Entertaining and informative blogs on fitness and health .... and running a long way.
Thursday, February 26, 2015
Phil Jeremy Personal Training: WHAT I KNOW ... PART 1
Phil Jeremy Personal Training: WHAT I KNOW ... PART 1: Okay so I'm 60, just saying that sounds ridiculous but then we all think that even at 30, 40 and 50 so no big deal. I think it was Geor...
Okay so I'm 60, just saying that sounds ridiculous but then we all think that even at 30, 40 and 50 so no big deal. I think it was George Harrison who said that he went 'from 16 to 60 in 6 seconds' and you can't argue with a man who also said 'If everyone who had a gun shot themselves then there wouldn't be a problem'. I digress, it occurred to me today that at some point in life we become aware of the real truths and falsehoods that are told to us, we come to understand what really is bullshit and we tingle at the truly magical.
I decided to write this to my son Alexander who is 23, it's not a list of do's and don'ts of how to live life because nobody really knows how to do that ... but there some things that I do know to be true. None of this is plagiarised its just me and my own musings ... Sue just said there is no chance of anyone thinking otherwise!
Never date a drama queen... or any queen for that matter.
All confidence is bullshit it's just that some people are better at it than others.
If you want something ask for it.
My friend Steve used to say 'there are no rules'... I never used to agree with him but if you think long and hard about this you'll see his point.
Drizzling rain is depressing, even on top of a mountain when people say its atmospheric, its not, its cold, damp and miserable.
If you eat crap you will look like crap.
If you don't like Joni Mitchell then I'm not sure if you have a soul or if you do, then you haven't found it yet.
Burpee Box Jumps are a bitch.
Entropy is a pretty scary concept but not too worry because none of us will be here anyway.
If you don't understand the true genius of how Alexander the Great solved the Gordion Knot then you have a lot to learn.
Eyes will always tell you how people feel no matter what they say or do.
Sunrise over Monument Valley or the Grand Canyon is a truly spiritual experience.
If you have more than 5 true friends then some of them aren't true.
Ultra-Marathon endurance running is even harder than you think it is ......
If you feel low or depressed watch Blackadder or Friends.
Mourning is not something you do its something you feel.
The Ancient Greeks were way ahead of their time.
Women should never fake orgasms ........ unless you are Meg Ryan.
Banks really do 'give you an umbrella when its sunny and take it away when its raining'.
Take as many chances as you can but accept the consequences.
Try to be born with a rich Dad ..... sorry Alexander.
.Awesome is a word that applies to very few things.
If you ever visit Liverpool don't try to be funny because you will fail ... they are born funny.
If you ever visit Italy don't try to dress cool because you will fail.... they are born with style genes.
Cry a lot.
Some people enjoy being cruel, its impossible to fathom but they do.
Smoking is the weirdest thing I have ever seen
If you feel something is wrong, it is.
Contrary to popular belief I have never experienced an endorphin release whilst running ... but I'm still trying.
Only happy people whistle.
If you are a footballer being paid £200,000 a week I expect you to score a goal every time you have an opportunity, no excuses.
I never remember food sticking in my teeth at 19.
You cannot define love ... it just is.
University is for having fun.
Angelina Jolie is a bit scary.
Not all hitchhiker's are serial killers.
We are all fragile.
The M6 motorway around Birmingham at 8 am on a wet Monday morning must be the most depressing place on earth... but I'm sure you all have your own equivalents.
If you eat the right food and exercise the right way you will be fit and healthy.... if you are not fit and healthy then you don't.
Your children are everything.
Sprinting is the most effective fat loss exercise.
Mountains are cool.
There is no known cure for jet lag.
Don't worry if you lie in bed till late when you are young because when you are older you'll be up at 6 am for no apparent reason ... so enjoy it.
If you believe you can do something or not... you're right.
Enjoy your own company.
Politicians speak a different language to you and me.
Don't believe the Hype
Butch and Sundance were cool.
and Sue just said. ... Go to bed when you are tired.
I could go on and on but you knew that anyway. Please send me your own thoughts and I'll put them in the next blog. Life's lessons are often won the hard way so please share.
I decided to write this to my son Alexander who is 23, it's not a list of do's and don'ts of how to live life because nobody really knows how to do that ... but there some things that I do know to be true. None of this is plagiarised its just me and my own musings ... Sue just said there is no chance of anyone thinking otherwise!
Never date a drama queen... or any queen for that matter.
All confidence is bullshit it's just that some people are better at it than others.
If you want something ask for it.
My friend Steve used to say 'there are no rules'... I never used to agree with him but if you think long and hard about this you'll see his point.
Drizzling rain is depressing, even on top of a mountain when people say its atmospheric, its not, its cold, damp and miserable.
If you eat crap you will look like crap.
If you don't like Joni Mitchell then I'm not sure if you have a soul or if you do, then you haven't found it yet.
Burpee Box Jumps are a bitch.

If you don't understand the true genius of how Alexander the Great solved the Gordion Knot then you have a lot to learn.
Eyes will always tell you how people feel no matter what they say or do.
Sunrise over Monument Valley or the Grand Canyon is a truly spiritual experience.
If you have more than 5 true friends then some of them aren't true.
Ultra-Marathon endurance running is even harder than you think it is ......
If you feel low or depressed watch Blackadder or Friends.
Mourning is not something you do its something you feel.
The Ancient Greeks were way ahead of their time.
Women should never fake orgasms ........ unless you are Meg Ryan.
Banks really do 'give you an umbrella when its sunny and take it away when its raining'.
Take as many chances as you can but accept the consequences.
Try to be born with a rich Dad ..... sorry Alexander.
.Awesome is a word that applies to very few things.
If you ever visit Liverpool don't try to be funny because you will fail ... they are born funny.
If you ever visit Italy don't try to dress cool because you will fail.... they are born with style genes.
Cry a lot.
Some people enjoy being cruel, its impossible to fathom but they do.
Smoking is the weirdest thing I have ever seen
If you feel something is wrong, it is.
Contrary to popular belief I have never experienced an endorphin release whilst running ... but I'm still trying.
Only happy people whistle.
If you are a footballer being paid £200,000 a week I expect you to score a goal every time you have an opportunity, no excuses.
I never remember food sticking in my teeth at 19.
You cannot define love ... it just is.
University is for having fun.
Angelina Jolie is a bit scary.
Not all hitchhiker's are serial killers.
We are all fragile.
The M6 motorway around Birmingham at 8 am on a wet Monday morning must be the most depressing place on earth... but I'm sure you all have your own equivalents.
If you eat the right food and exercise the right way you will be fit and healthy.... if you are not fit and healthy then you don't.
Your children are everything.
Sprinting is the most effective fat loss exercise.
Mountains are cool.
There is no known cure for jet lag.
Don't worry if you lie in bed till late when you are young because when you are older you'll be up at 6 am for no apparent reason ... so enjoy it.
If you believe you can do something or not... you're right.
Enjoy your own company.
Politicians speak a different language to you and me.
Don't believe the Hype
Butch and Sundance were cool.
and Sue just said. ... Go to bed when you are tired.
I could go on and on but you knew that anyway. Please send me your own thoughts and I'll put them in the next blog. Life's lessons are often won the hard way so please share.
Tuesday, February 3, 2015
Phil Jeremy Personal Training: Phil Jeremy Personal Training: IN DENIAL OF FAT
Phil Jeremy Personal Training: Phil Jeremy Personal Training: IN DENIAL OF FAT: Phil Jeremy Personal Training: IN DENIAL OF FAT : “Even as your body betrays you, your mind denies it.” ― Sara Gruen , Water for E...
“Even as your body betrays you, your mind denies it.”
― Sara Gruen, Water for Elephants
Okay I've said this before but De-nial is not a river in Egypt!......but its what so many people do when analysing their fitness and health. I find it astonishing. The amount of people I talk to who tell me how to eat and how to exercise and what's right and what's wrong ... .and they are either overweight, obese, or just plain fat and are always ill.
It beggars belief. Its like some poor guy living in a squat or rundown area of town with no job, no money and no career and no prospects for improving his life.... and then telling me how to invest and make a fortune. It really is odd.
Let me tell you what all overweight people do;-
They are always on the latest fad diet.
They never weigh themselves and usually don't have a set of bathroom scales.
They drink diet coke.
They believe that they are fat due to their genes.
They all say they hardly eat.
They drink just a few glasses of alcohol ... well apart from weekends and parties, and lunchtime, and if friends come over, and if its a birthday, Xmas, New Year, Thanksgiving, celebration or just a social drink.
They have hardly any full length mirrors in the house especially not in the bathroom.
They own a huge amount of clothes (To try and hide the obvious)
They do not believe that they will get ill as a result of their weight.
They do not believe they will be a burden on the health service or family as they get older.
They walk a little and very slowly believing that's all they need to do to stay slim because the BBC said so.
They have very low lighting around the home.
They think that fruit is not sugar.
They won't read this blog .... (but well done if you have).
When it comes to exercise they believe that they are a non responder, so there's no point.
They hardly ever eat a full nutritious breakfast.
They believe healthy people are obsessed, blissfully unaware that they, of course, are obsessed with food.
They believe that lifting weights will not make them leaner.
They never take the stairs.
They think High Intensity Interval Training is dangerous and wouldn't work on them anyway because they are different to the rest of humanity.
They have a special injury which prevents them from exercising.
They do not believe that if they ate more (of the right food) they would lose weight.
They have lots of unused healthy supplements in their cupboards because they don't need them.
And as I said at the start, they all tell slim, fit and healthy people what they need to do because they know all about it.
Now I will no doubt get a flurry of emails and messages telling me that fat people are beautiful too, fine, that's in the eye of the beholder but which ever way you spin this it ain't healthy... FACT.
Again I will get someone quoting the 'Daily Something' saying many people are fat and healthy, that's another myth. Have you ever looked at an analysis of their blood?.... thought not.
I could go on but the central point is that I have never met a client of any age or shape who did not lose fat, gain muscle and feel great as a result of improved fitness and health by following correct nutrition and exercise.
So firstly recognise you have a problem, second decide to fix it and third either get good advice or a coach or a book, (whatever works for you) and stick to the plan; and when you have achieved your goal realise that this new way of life IS your way of life, now and forever.
If you agreed with any of the statements above but are one of the 64% of the UK or US population that is overweight or obese then get a grip.......and do something about it, otherwise one day that river of de-nial will lead to a waterfall of problems that you are going to go over.
Take control now!
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